

Faculty Association


The faculty of Rose State College believes that they, together with administrators and governing boards, share a joint responsibility for creating and maintaining academic excellence. In order for Rose State College to have a continuing body to represent the faculty, the Rose State College Faculty Association and Faculty Senate are hereby established. In approving this constitution, the faculty forms an organization which can be effective in improving the academic life at Rose State College.

The objectives of the Faculty Association shall be: 

  • Promotion of professional attitudes and ethical conduct among its members. 
  • The pedagogical development of its membership and the continuous study of the problems of the profession. 
  • Promotion of communication and mutual understanding among the faculty, administration, and other groups having to do with the welfare of the College. 
  • Fostering good fellowship among the Rose State College faculty, administration, and student body. 
  • Communicate to college administration and faculty association members the results of the Rose State College faculty assessment of the performance of administrative officers who lead and direct the College. Administrators to be evaluated in an anonymous survey: President, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Vice President of Business Affairs, Vice President of Information Technology, Vice President for Workforce Development, and the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Faculty Association Bylaws

as amended, March 1981, 1987, 1988, April 1989, and March 2007


Section 1.   Dues in the amount of $10.00 shall be paid annually by each member of the Faculty Association.

Section 2.  Due date for dues shall be October 1.

Section 3.  Dues shall be used primarily for the furthering of professionalism, with expenditures for social activities being kept to a minimum. Expenditures exceeding $500 shall be approved by a majority vote of the Faculty Association membership voting. Other expenditures may be approved by a majority vote of the Faculty Senate.

Section 4.   While it is the intent that dues shall eliminate fund raising activities, tickets may be sold to such social events as the Christmas Party, etc.


Section 1. The following standing committees shall be maintained:

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and the immediate past President. The committee shall plan programs, develop policy proposals, formulate projects in professional organization work, and interpret the constitution.
  3. Faculty Development Committee – will consist of at least 5 faculty senate members (one member from each division) appointed by the Faculty Senate President. The Committee will identify and study ways to enhance faculty development. Term of office is one year. The Chairman is to be elected by committee members.
  5. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the President Elect and four senior senators (the President Elect representing his/her division and the senior senators representing the other four divisions). The President Elect will chair the committee. The committee will submit a proposed slate of officers to the membership by the last week in March.
  6. The Faculty Association Scholarship Committee, consisting of at least five members (one member from each division) appointed by the Faculty Senate President, shall establish the criteria and procedure for awarding the Faculty Association Scholarship
    and administer the selection of the recipient and awarding of the scholarship. Term of office is 3 years. Chairman to be elected by committee members.
  7. The Budget Committee – Will be appointed by the President and will consist of 3 to 5 faculty senate members. This committee will recommend the Faculty Association  budget line items annually. The committee chair is the Treasurer. (See Article III, Section 3, D-4 in the Constitution).  The Treasurer will set the schedule for the committee to meet.

Section 2. The Faculty Senate President, with the consent of the Executive Committee, may authorize ad hoc committees as needed.

Section 3. College committee appointments shall be made by the Faculty Senate by the April meeting for the following year.


Section 1.  The Faculty Senate Business meeting date and times shall be determined at the first monthly business meeting.  The Faculty Senate shall hold a minimum of six Business Meeting an academic year.  Business meetings will take place one (1) time per month during the months of September, October, November, February, March and April.
Section 2.  The Faculty Senate meeting with the Rose State College President shall be held monthly as determined by the Rose State College President and Faculty Senate President.


Section 1.  Faculty senators have consented to represent their division’s teaching staff. It is expected of all faculty senators to attend all Faculty Senate business meetings. Senators missing three (3) business meetings in an academic year will be subject to removal from office. The Faculty Senate president shall declare a vacant seat and the position will be filled through a division election. The new senator will serve for the remainder of the term.
Section 2.  In order to alleviate problems of attendance for the Faculty Senators in the Health Sciences Division, the following allowances will be made:
If the senator has missed three meetings, he/she should do the following prior to a fourth absence if the alternate senator cannot attend and a substitute cannot be found:

  • A memo should be sent to the Faculty Senate indicating the reason for the absence and the people contacted who could not attend. This memo should be sent before the next normal meeting of the Faculty Senate.
  • If a faculty member cannot be found for a replacement, a program director can be utilized as a substitute without voting privileges.

The Faculty Senate will vote to accept or reject the absence and notify the senator of their decision.


Section 1.   Proposed amendments to these Bylaws may be initiated by any Faculty Association member. The amendments shall be presented to the Faculty Senate at the meeting described in Article IV, Section 1. A. of the Constitution.

Section 2.   Amendments to the Bylaws may be approved by a vote of 60 percent of the Faculty Senate members present, provided a quorum is present.