

Rose State College and Northwestern Oklahoma State University Sign Business Degree Partnership Published June 5, 2024


Rose State College and Northwestern Oklahoma State University (NWOSU) signed an articulation agreement on May 1, 2024. 

The collaboration was formalized by Rose State President Dr. Jeanie Webb and NWOSU President Dr. Bo Hannaford. This partnership provides a seamless transfer of credits to NWOSU to earn a bachelor’s degree in business administration. 

Rose State Dean of Business and Information Technology Division Dr. Charles DeSassure stated, “Partnerships like this are crucial for our students, as many of them want to transfer after completing their studies at Rose State College.” 

By starting at a community college, students have the opportunity to save on tuition and then transfer to a four-year university to complete their bachelor’s degree assured the credits will transfer. The partnership also enables Rose State students to apply for NWOSU scholarships. 

For more information on transfer agreements and the programs available, please visit Rose State College and Northwestern Oklahoma State University