

Military Service Member Information

Tuition Assistance

D.O.D. Tuition Assistance Tuition Chart (PDF)

Active duty and reserve members of the military are allowed to apply for Tuition Assistance for college classes working toward an Associate’s degree at Rose State College as long as they do not already have a previous Associate’s degree.  Rules for Tuition Assistance for each service can be found at the links to the service educational portals below.

Once Tuition Assistance has been approved, active service members must return the official Tuition Assistance paperwork to the Tinker AFB office.  The Rose State College office is in Building 201SE, just down the hallway from the base education office.  The official paperwork will remain there until after the drop period for classes is over.  It then will be processed on the main Rose State College Campus.

Tuition Assistance Refund Policy

In instances when a Service member stops attending because of a military service obligation, Rose State College will work with the affected Service member to identify solutions that will not result in student debt for the returned portion. 

Per DoD Regulations, the Institution will have a policy that returns any unearned Tuition Assistance funds on a proportional basis through at least the 60 percent portion of the period for which the funds were provided. Tuition Assistance funds are earned proportionally during an enrollment period, with unearned funds returned based upon when a student stops attending classes. 

Rose State College will return any unearned Tuition Assistance (TA) funds on a proportional basis during the initial 60% of the period for which the funds were provided. No Tuition Assistance funds will be returned for students who attend beyond the date corresponding to 60% of the course meetings.

8-week Course Withdrawal dates:

Before or during week 1                               Drop no TA billing

During week 2                                                 75% return

During weeks 3-4                                            50% return

During week 5                                                 40% return (through the date of 60% course completed)

During weeks 6-8                                               0% return


16 week Course Withdrawal dates:

Before or during weeks 1-2                          Drop no TA billing

During weeks 3-4                                            75% return

During weeks 5-8                                            50% return

During week 9-10                                           40% return (through the date of 60% course completed)

During weeks 11-16                                          0% return


At the end of each semester a consolidated listing of all students who withdrew during the semester is compiled and appropriate funds are reimbursed based on the published policy regarding return of unearned TA funds.